// calculate number of packets to be served each round by connectionsfor each flow f f.normalized_weight = f.weight / f.mean_packet_sizemin = findSmallestNormalizedWeightfor each flow f f.packets_to_be_served = f.normalized_weight / min// main looploop for each non-empty flow queue f min(f.packets_to_be_served, f.packets_waiting).times do servePacket f.getPacket
WRR for network packet scheduling was first proposed by Katevenis, Sidiropoulos and Courcoubetis in 1991, specifically for scheduling in ATM networks using fixed size packets (cells). In the more general case of IP networks with variable size packets, in order to approximate GPS the weight factors must be adjusted based on the packet size
packet.virFinish = virStart + packet.size / Ri
Ri = R * Wi/(W1+W2+...+Wn)
Deficit Round Robin, 也叫DWRR
为每个queue分配一个quantum,则该queue的长期总体传输速率为R * Qi/(Q1+Q2+...+Qn)
Variables and Constants const integer N // Nb of queues const integer Q[1..N] // Per queue quantum integer DC[1..N] // Per queue deficit counter queue queue[1..N] // The queues Scheduling Loopwhile (true) for i in 1..N if not queue[i].empty() DC[i]:= DC[i] + Q[i] while( not queue[i].empty() and DC[i] >= queue[i].head().size() ) DC[i]:= DC[i] - queue[i].head().size() send( queue[i].head() ) queue[i].dequeue() end while if queue[i].empty() DC[i]:= 0 end if end if end forend while
Head of Line 和 VOQ
Head of Line
Head-of-line blocking example: The 1st and 3rd input flows are competing to send packets to the same output interface. In this case if the switching fabric decides to transfer the packet from the 3rd input flow, the 1st input flow cannot be processed in the same clock cycle. Note that the 1st input flow is blocking a packet for output interface 3, which is available for processing.
the physical buffer of each input port maintains a separate virtual queue for each output port. Therefore congestion on an egress port will block only the virtual queue for this particular egress port. Other packets in the same physical buffer destined to different (non-congested) output ports are in separate virtual queues and can therefore still be processed
SrTcm 和 TrTcm
rfc2697, rfc2698